Just a quick example of lacerated wound
Types of fever
Types of fever is a frequently asked viva question but a concise and complete answer is not available for it anywhere. I’ve tried to come up with a complete list which I have gotten verified by a Medicine SR and partly by a prof. However, if any errors are found, feel free to inform and…
Lung Sounds
Below is a quick waveform depiction of most common breath sounds. Following that is a list of fast access audio clips of various lung sounds. Normal Vesicular Breath SoundThey have an inspiration/expiratory ratio of 3 to 1 or I:E of 3:1. Bronchial Breath Sound Bronchovesicular Breath Sound CracklesCoarse Fine Wheeze RonchiSounds like gurgling. Or toilet…
How to move website from one server to another
Here’s a handy PDF guide for it. Restoring the website in cPanel
How to redirect base url addresses to another base URL
Say you have http://abhinav.spsdarj.org/2017/12/how-to-redirect-base-url-addresses-to-another-base-url/ as a url on your old website (abhinav.spsdarj.org) and now you want the link to redirect to new website. Say abhinav.ga but the url following abhinav.ga should stay the same and when typing the old url, should magically redirect with rest of the link intact to the new website. Here’s what you do. Go…
Why is Rick and Morty so Islamophobic?- Quora
Read Dan Holliday's answer to Why is Rick and Morty so Islamophobic? on Quora
As a software developer, how often do you leave a backdoor in your code?
As a software developer, how often do you leave a backdoor in your code? by Anonymous Answer by Anonymous: I once left a backdoor on an Android app since I was working with a client that couldn’t be trusted whether they would pay me or not. Heard from another developer that they let him develop…
I am ambitious, talented and intelligent, but I lack willpower, discipline, and organization. I am an impulsive procrastinator of the hig…
Be careful about advice—which includes the currently-top-rated answer—telling you “you have to want it.” Desire and motivation are NOT your problem, nor were they mine when I was in the same boat. Your issue is your subconscious mind and current habits. You need new habits. Motivational advice makes you feel good, but it’s not consistent….
Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?
Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget? by Corey Herbert Answer by Corey Herbert: Yes. It’s 1986, I’m 9 years old and I come downstairs to get ready for school. My dad is reading the paper and he says, “Hey Corey, what do you know about comets?” I immediately spout…